29 December 2008

One Week!

While everyone else is getting ready to ring in the new year I'm starting to pack for Ireland. I can't wait for next Sunday to get here ... it's so close yet still seems so far away. My parents gave me Euros for Christmas and they're so much prettier than American currency. I also got a book all about traveling to Ireland so I've been reading that in preparation.

One thing I'm pretty excited about for Galway is that the region I'll be in is bilingual. English is the first language but most of the population also speaks I

17 December 2008

17 days...

So I'm packing up my apartment ... and not doing a great job of it. I head out to Ireland in only 17 days and still can't believe it. I'll be flying out of Newark on Jan. 3rd around 7 p.m. and I'll arrive in Dublin that Sunday around 6:30 a.m. I'll be in Dublin until the 6th for an orientation and then it's off to Galway! So most likely I'll start posting that night.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday and break! I'm going to miss you guys so much, so you all better keep in touch. The internet is a marvelous thing so I expect e-mails, gchats and IMs!! I'll be 7 hours ahead of you so I'm thinking the best time to contact me would be around 3 or 4 p.m. US time. I'm usually online most days before I go to bed. And just because I am having an amazing time in Ireland (jealous yet?) that doesn't mean I'll forget you guys! So keep in touch and have a wonderful start to 2009.

Lots of love,

"Friends are like stars, you may not always see them but you know they are always there."