01 April 2009

Puddin' ... but not the chocolate kind

This afternoon I went with a bunch of friends to a restaurant called the Homeplate, which sells a very good and well priced full Irish breakfast (also called an Irish Fry). I've mentioned the Irish breakfast before (see: St. Patrick's Day post) But in case you missed it, a full breakfast consists of: beans, eggs, toast, sausage, rashers (much thicker bacon), chips (flat oval shaped fries), and black and white pudding.

While on St. Patrick's Day we had most of those things, we did not have the puddings, and I now know why. Out of everyone at the table there were about 9 girls and one guy. Most of the girls opted for the vegetarian breakfast or got something different all together. But I was the one girl man enough (woman enough?) to go for the traditional Irish breakfast, and it was delicious.

But, anyway, to the pudding. Well, before eating it I knew it was not made of the most appetizing ingredients, but I decided to give it a go anyway. Paddy asked me if I liked it, and I did! So I asked what was in it ... he said it was probably better I didn't know and should just enjoy it. They doesn't look like liquid-y chocolate pudding, just in case you were wondering. They're more like little meat paddies.

I enjoyed it not knowing what was in it, and now that I do I wouldn't not eat it again ... but my mom probably wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. (But, aren't you proud of me Dad?)

Black Pudding is: pig's blood, barley, oats and beef fat
White Pudding is: pork meat and fat, suet, bread, and oatmeal


1 comment:

Lauren said...

is black pudding different from blood pudding? sounds...delicious :)